Raw Milk
What is raw milk?
Raw milk is unprocessed and complete with protein, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA, and omega-3 fatty acids. Customers with lactose sensitivities have a delicious, nutritious, and natural alternative in this unaltered, wholesome product.
The ease of digestibility of raw milk gives those that experience discomfort with processed dairy products a delicious and natural option.
Raw Milk vs. Pasturized Milk
To fully understand what raw milk is, it’s important to understand what pasteurized milk is. What most people don’t realize is that most conventional milk sold in the marketplace is heated to temperatures that destroy and damage many of the delicate nutrients and important gut-healthy bacteria found in raw milk. For example, one of the important enzymes present in raw milk called lactase, which is present to facilitate the digestion of lactose ( natural milk sugars) is destroyed when heated and pasteurized, making it harder for the body to digest pasteurized milk products. This causes inflammation and often leads to lactose intolerance. However, there is no lactose intolerance in raw dairy products because they’ve never been heated or altered in any way. Additionally, there are many “fortified” milks that have added ingredients, such as fillers and sweeteners. We only fortify happiness none of the other stuff! :)
How long will raw milk last?
About two weeks. Raw milk is a highly perishable food. This doesn't necessarily mean that it will sour quickly, but that it changes and degrades quickly. Even if it doesn't sour, after a couple of weeks the cream will become very thick and won't mix back with the nonfat, the vitamins and enzymes will degrade, it will change consistency and flavor. Raw milk is best when consumed within the first week but will last about two weeks. At SVC we put the date that we bottled the milk on the bottle, which means you have about two weeks after the date on the bottle to drink it.
What does testing mean?
Sunset View Creamery is licensed by the State of New York to produce raw milk and we are regularly inspected by the New York Department of Food and Agriculture for milk quality, cleanliness and pathogens. Our partnership with the State really helps to produce a clean, quality and healthy product.