Hello! I think it's time we formally meet!
In full disclosure: You will likely never find either of us dressed up this fancy again!
I am Jessica May Hoffman. I am a wife, a farmer, and a farmstead cheesemaker. My husband, Jeremy, won my heart with his like of Sushi and perfect smile. Truth be told I knew I would marry him by our second date. We currently farm with my in-laws – raising dairy cattle and making small batch artisan cheese that we ship all across the country. I spend my days milking cows, making cheese, sharing our life with the public, hanging out with my dog, and of course Jer too. =)
My favorite view of the farm!
Life hasn’t always been simple, and most days are long and grueling, but agriculture is in my blood. I grew up on a farm on the NY/PA border about an hour and a half from where I have planted roots today. I was raised to be fiercely independent, believe there is nothing I can’t do, and knowing that common sense isn’t a trait all folks have. My love for the land came from that farm, and a part of me will always be there, but I have learned to love this slice of heaven we have here in the Finger Lakes.
My favorite breed of cattle is Brown Swiss, my favorite color is red, and my favorite song is anything by George Strait! I love summer, 90s country music, a good apple pie, and a round of golf here and there.
I hope in this blog you will find real talk, positivity, and little humor to get you through your day!
Clara <3