Meet the SVC Farm Dogs!
If you watch much of my days on the Instagram, or come to the farm, you are bound so meet one of our four dogs that freely roam the farm! I think it’s time that we formally introduce all four of the best companions we could ask for!
Ebb and Holly LOVE to play fetch with visitors!
Meet Ebb!
Ebb spends each day just waiting for visitors to come to the farm. I don’t think there is much more that excites this dog then new faces! He is always game for a good round of fetch- many times bringing you either a large branch or a small piece of straw! It may be your lucky day if he brings you a “reasonable” throwing item. Seriously, too often I catch him dragging a log for folks to throw!
Ebb LOVES to talk - ask him what sound the ambulance makes or tell him that Holly or Huck is “the best dog” and he will be sure to share his opinion on that one!
If we need help in the barn, he’s the dog we ask to come help. While he doesn’t care for a crowd of cows, he is great if we need to work one or two. Last summer Ebb knew that when I took the skid steer out to the dry cows and the yearling heifers his job was to hold them back as I scraped the barns. I would never need to latch the gate behind me, he would take his job very seriously and without fail. Ebb would always be rewarded with an appreciative pat and a “best dog” comment!
Meet Huck!
Huck is Jer’s dog, who loves anyone that will pet her. She had a rough start to life and was found by a local Sherriff in a ditch as a tiny puppy. Luckily the dispatcher at the office knew that we would open our farm to a pup in need and Huck came to live here at SVC! What Huck doesn’t possess in cow-dog-ness, she certainly makes up for with love. She’s the first one up in the morning for chores, and loves to hang out with the calves all day if we let her. She’s always up for car ride, a snuggle on the couch, or a bite of your breakfast!
Meet Holly!
Holly and Bandit a few years ago
Holly is the oldest member of our pack at 14 years old! She’s hard of hearing these days but that doesn’t stop her from trying to play hard with the others. She keeps up with our younger members quite well given her age. Holly is a herding dog through and through. She loves to herd anything she can- from cows, goats (her path around the goat barn is visible from google earth), Huck, and even kids, her natural instincts always come first.
Meeting Holly you may not know that she is really a sweet old lady. She spends her mornings with me in the parlor, following me from cow to cow as I milk .
Meet Jaz!
Jaz is my loyal companion. She is my dog and I am her human, please don’t be offended if Jaz doesn’t let you pet her while you are here, she’s just a one person dog. You see, Jaz has been with me even before I met Jer, I rescued her from the shelter when I was just out of college and she has been by my side for every major life event I have had since. I joke that she is solar powered as she loves nothing more then to find a ray of sun and lay in it. For the most part though she literally by my side all day long- from the office, to the barn, in the car, or on a gator ride, Jaz doesn’t stray too far.